学習塾T-EGGサマースクール in India 


Gakushujuku T-EGG Summer School in India







In October 2023, I, Ai Hirano, visited India. I went around some schools in Jaipur.  I talked with the students and communicated with the teachers. At the same time, I saw a lot of people living on the road anytime, every day,

Then thanks to many people's advice, we T-EGG are supposed to build a small summer school. It's in Jaipur, the southern part of Delhi, India. I am going teach Japanese in English. 








The fee of the classes is like an orange, the things which the students give us.

There is a reason why it's not free. We would like to teach not only Japanese but also business thinking,

"When we are given something, we return something."

We don't want India to be the country which is just given something from others. 







Also, in the classes, I tell the Japanese language and Japanese culture, of course.

But I want to tell the pleasure of learning something.

Studying, and getting a job, many people can live in easy circumstances.

(Actually, I hope that Jaipur will be a richer and safe town in India) 



写真は協力校、Jai Maa Saraswati Schoolの生徒さん達です。


The students who go to school are very smart, many can speak English fluently. I want their dreams to come true. So please study a lot, hearing many things from others, and grow up.


"Jai Maa Saraswati School" in Jaipur will help us. We are thankful for their kindness. 



現地アシスタントの Roshan Kahnです。オートリキシャ(トゥクトゥクのようなもの)のドライバーとして出会いましたが、様々な学校を回ってくれて、紹介もしてくれる心強いスタッフです。


He is Roshan Kahn, the assistant in Jaipur. At first, I met him as a driver of auto-rickshaw (like Tuktuku). After I asked him to visit schools in Jaipur, He did the best to assist me. Explaining about what I want to do, Introducing me to the staff in schools. Next year, He is supposed to help us.




Everyone in Japan, were you made to memorize the words "Ramayana" and "Mahabarata" as traditional epic poems in India? This doll is Sita which is a personification of a god in Hinndi "Parvati". She is the important character in "Ramayana".



You tube of Jai Maa saraswati School. One day, Girls team and Boys team played a tug of war. Fineally,, Girls team won the game!!! strong girls!